Настройка компрессораЗдесь представлены приблизительные настройки компрессора под разнообразные музыкальные задачи (Можно назвать это пресетами). Если Вы не искушены в использовании компрессора, то можете опробовать все эти настройки. Попробовали? - идите дальше! Экспериментируйте, ищите звук, который Вы хотите получить. Компрессор - очень важный и нужный инструмент, но обращаться с ним надо с умом. ВокалSOFT - Легкая компрессия. A low ratio setting for ballads allowing a wider dynamic range. Отлично подходит для "живого" вокала. Эта настройка позволит "посадить" вокал в микс.
MEDIUM - Средняя компрессия. More limiting than preset 1 for a narrower dynamic range. It moves the vocal more up front in the mix.
SCREAMER - Для громких вокалистов. Fairly hard compression for a vocalist who is ‘on’ and ‘off the microphone a lot. It puts the voice ‘in your face’.
ПеркуссияSNARE/KICK - Allows the first transient through and compresses the rest of the signal giving a hard snap up front with a longer release.
L/R (Stereo) OVERHEAD - A low ratio and threshold gives a ‘fat’ contour to even out the sound from overhead drum mics. Low end is increased and the overall sound is more present and less ambient. More ‘boom’ less ‘room’.
FrettedБас электрический - A fast attack and slow release to tighten up the electric bass and give you control for more consistent level.
Акустическая гитара - This setting accentuates the attack of the acoustic guitar and helps maintain an even signal level keeping the acoustic guitar from disappearing in the track.
Электрогитара - Настройка для ‘crunch’ электрической ритм-гитары. A slow attack helps get the electric rhythm guitar up close and personal and gives punch to your crunch.
КлавишныеФортепиано - A special setting for an even level. Designed to help even up the top and bottom of an acoustic piano. Helps the left hand be heard with the right hand.
SYNTH - Fast attack and release for synthesizer horn stabs and for bass lines played on a synthesizer.
ORCHESTRAL - Use this setting for string ‘pads’ and other types of synthesized orchestra parts. It will decrease the overall dynamic range for easier placement in the mix.
StereoСтерео лимитер - Just as the name implies. A hard limiter setting (brick wall) ideal for controlling level to the 2 track mixdown deck or stereo output.
CONTOUR - A contoured setting for use on the stereo output to fatten up the mix.
EffectsSQUEEZE - Компрессия для сольных треков, особенно подходит для соло электрогитары. It gives you that glassy ‘tele/strat’ sound. A true classic.
PUMP - Make the Blue Max ‘pump up the prime’. A setting for making the compressor pump in a desirable way. This effect is good for snare drum to increase the length of the transient by bringing the signal up after the initial spike. Very contemporary.
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